
Tuesday 22 November 2011

Guy Fawkes

Fireworks are very dangerous for children under five years old. If you want to use fireworks make sure there's an adult with you at all times.

Well I had to ask my dad if we could light up some fireworks on Saturday 5th November, and my dad said "Ok but I have to buy the fireworks first." So dad went to buy the fireworks. When he came back he said "We will only use half of the fireworks and the other half is for New Year." I said, "Ok." Then we only needed to wait until sundown. We waited and waited and finally the sun went down. It was time to light up the F I R E W O R K S. And so Guy Fawkes had begun!!! The first fireworks we lit was a fountain. It was so cool! The fountain looked like a mini volcano spitting out lava everywhere. Then we lit a few more. After we finished I helped my dad to clean the backyard. Then my dad went to bed. But I was still awake. I was writing in my diary about how much fun I had that night. I can't wait until next year's Guy Fawkes and New Year 2012.


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